Feb 12

Dimples – Project Flickr: 9/52 Patterns

Dimples on a golf ball serve to actually create less drag as it flies through the air, giving more distance. Most golf balls today have 250-450 dimples. There are no regulations about how many, the pattern, or even the depth and shape of the dimples.

Golf balls didn’t always have dimples. It was discovered by early golfers that their drives went further after they got nicked and scored during regular play.

Patented in 1905, it wasn’t until 1930 that dimpled golf balls became de rigueur in the game.

Feb 12

Water pipe woes


Had a bit of excitement yesterday. The main water pipe leading into the house broke sending a 20 foot geyser into the air. I had some trouble turning the water off as the valve is right next to the break. Talk about a face full of water. I got thoroughly soaked from head to toe.

Roger, the park maintenance guy got there just as I finally got the water turned off. He didn’t even get wet! But he did get it fixed right away.

Turns out that all the underground water lines are PVC and coupled to copper when they come out of the ground. The coupling is the weak point in the system and that’s where it broke.

See the “water pipe” ground wires attached to the riser? I’m thinking that they are not quite up to code. The PVC is just a few inches below and is not conductive. Hmmmm

Feb 12

Sunshine in a Jar

I started a couple quart jars of Preserved Lemons today. Used primarily in Moroccan cooking, but they also find their way into any food that is enhanced with lemon… which in my opinion is pretty much everything!

Made from fresh lemons, lots of salt (I used Kosher salt), and lemon juice, they’ll be ready to eat in about a month. I’ll turn them over every few days. Can’t wait to try them!

Google Preserved Lemons for all you ever wanted to know about them.

Thank you Nan for suggesting Preserved Lemons!

Feb 12

Green Chile Chicken Tamale with Black Beans

I bought a few tamales at the Farmer’s Market last Sunday and tried one for dinner tonight. Doctored up some black beans and topped off with tomatoes, avocados, lemons, and sour cream.

Oh. So. Good!

Jan 12

Avgolemono Soup – Egg and Lemon Soup

Avgolemono Soup - Egg and Lemon Soup
This wonderful egg-lemon Greek soup is easy to make and delicious.

Chicken stock and breast, along with a small amount of rice provide the heartiness. But the whipped eggs and lemon add the sumptuous dimension that make this dish so unique.

I’m so happy that my dear friend Nan suggested it. It’s on my absolute favorites list now!

Please excuse the Southwestern USA dishes… they are what I have! Southwest Greece?

Continue reading →

Jan 12


Hummer, originally uploaded by James Milstid, aka PapaJames.

This little critter has pretty much decided that the feeder belongs to him. He’ll perch a few feet away on a trellis and chase any other hummers away… very territorial!

I’m going to hang another one and see what he’ll do about that!

Jan 12

Of course I’m a hummingbird… duh!

This guy was trying his best to get to the sugar water… he sat and watched the hummingbirds, then came over to try it himself.

Dec 11

December Fruit – Project Flickr: Week 52

Here it is, December 27, the middle of winter… and the oranges are ripe in Arizona! Born and raised in Seattle, I’m not used to anything being ripe in the middle of winter. *eyes wide open in awe*

I just tried one right off this tree and… OMG… they are as sweet as can be. The neighbor told me to take as many as I need… WoooHooo!

Dec 11

Christmas Spirit – Project Flickr: Week 51 – Festivities

I went out looking for the ornate and wildly beautiful holiday decorations today. Plenty of them out there, but this house really caught my eye.

The artificial snow on the windows, the hyphenated “Mer-ry Christ-Mas”, and the small creche on the green table spoke volumes to me.

The sign on the doorpost says:
No – NoOne
Guard dogs

A bit of the not so extravagant side of Americana…

Dec 11

Critter Prints

Critter Prints, originally uploaded by James Milstid, aka PapaJames.

As I got out of the Jeep, I heard a little yipping sound… figured it was a coyote or something. These tracks looked pretty fresh.