I caught this photo of Clark Lake in Kent, WA just before the downpour!
My Photos
Oct 11
Publicly Drunk
This group had just been escorted from the public library in Kent, WA and decided to loudly voice their complaints in the adjacent park. I was the only one there, but they didn’t seem to notice. This was as “up close” as I dared get!
Yes, that is a beer can in the seated man’s hand. They were pretty snockered… some of Kent, WA’s finest!
BTW, that’s the King County Courthouse behind them, teeming with police.
Oct 11
Dreariness – Project Flickr: In the Sky
Dreariness – Project Flickr: In the Sky, originally uploaded by James Milstid, aka PapaJames.
Welcome to Seattle…
I usually love shooting the sky and clouds, but the greyness in Seattle is so drab right now! This is a shot of where I think the sun would be if I could see it.
Shot out of desperation for Project Flickr!
Mar 11
Road Trip: Day One
Day One of Bill and James’ road trip to Peoria, AZ and back. We left the Seattle area at about 9:30am and arrived in Canyonville, OR at around 4:00pm. The weather was a mixed bag, from torrential rain to bright sunshine.
Had a little trouble with the webcam setup… the power inverter didn’t quite have enough oompf to keep the netbook going, and we lost the video from home to the first part of Oregon. A quick trip to Radio Shack solved the problem.