Bill and I will be leaving tomorrow for a three week road trip to Peoria, AZ and back. We’ll be visiting several National Parks and plan on documenting the trip. This is a practice run of the webcam I set up to do time lapse movies of the entire trip. I’ll post them as I can, most of the hotels along the way have WiFi. Should be a lot of fun!
My Photos
Sep 10
317 of 365: La Paloma – The Dove
Rather than coming home from work one day, you somehow find yourself and 32 others trapped in a cavern 2300 feet below the surface of the earth. No communication with the outside world. No amenities. Two or three day supply of food. Hot and humid. No idea if or when rescue will come. Oh, and virtual darkness.
Fortunately, the trapped Chilean miners now have communication and a method of receiving much needed food and supplies. It is known as La Paloma (The Dove) and is a 3.19” tube about 5.25’ long. It takes an hour to lower La Paloma through the 2300 foot long six-inch shaft and the trapped miners depend on it for their lives and welfare.
For some perspective, a clothes dryer vent is about 4”. Imagine if everything you needed to survive had to fit through your dryer vent hole. Multiply that by 33 people and several months in an enclosed space.
Today, September 18, is Chile’s Independence Day. The miners will celebrate with wine, cigarettes, and a 50” TV projection on the bare rock wall from a tiny projector and a fiber-optic link to the surface. No doubt there will be special treats and national coverage. The Chilean news is dominated by the miners’ plight. The trapped miners have it much better today than they did on August 2, 2010, when they became trapped.
But… the fact remains that they are still trapped. La Paloma, their lifeline, is their only supply line with the outside world. Everything that thirty-three men need to survive, physically and emotionally, for the next two or three months must fit into La Paloma. The integrity of the six-inch shaft and La Paloma are so vital to the men’s survival, they have assigned a crew to monitor it.
Today’s photo is a 3” PVC tube cut to 5’3”, the approximate size of La Paloma. There are also a few items for reference. Most won’t fit.
For more info, I encourage you to look at this Newsweek article…
(Thanks to Nan for pointing out the Newsweek article)
Kent, WA
September 18, 2010
Sep 10
306 of 365: Downtown Stroll
I shot this one through the windshield as I was waiting for the light to change. I wonder if she knew that she wasn’t walking alone.
Auburn, WA
September 7, 2010
Sep 10
304 of 365: Streetlight

304 of 365: Streetlight, originally uploaded by James Milstid.
My theme was ‘urban’ today. This was shot in downtown Kent, WA., which is a small town south of Seattle. Kent is surrounded by farms and a bit of industry.
So does that make it ‘rural-urban’… ‘ruban’… ‘urbal’?
Kent, WA
September 5, 2010
Sep 10
303 of 365: Quartz

303 of 365: Quartz, originally uploaded by James Milstid.
Must be a good one… it’s Quartz!
Kent, WA
September 4, 2010
Sep 10
302 of 365: Cinnamon Basil

302 of 365: CinnamonBasil, originally uploaded by James Milstid.
While it is starting to bolt, this cinnamon basil still has a lot of green below the flowers. It contains the same chemical that gives regular cinnamon it’s scent and flavor.
It has an amazing flavor and is used in middle eastern dishes. Or even a natural bath oil.
Kent, WA
September 3, 2010
Sep 10
301 of 365: Asters

301 of 365: Asters, originally uploaded by James Milstid.
Purple, purple, purple! These pretty little asters are looking pretty happy after the rain yesterday and the sun today.
Kent, WA
September 2, 2010
Sep 10
300 of 365: Orange Branches

300 of 365: Orange Branches, originally uploaded by James Milstid.
The filtered afternoon sun hit these branches just as I was putting my camera away. This is the last photo I took today…
Covington, WA
September 1, 2010
Aug 10
299 of 365: Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica)

299 of 365: Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica), originally uploaded by James Milstid.
This colorful little shrub is actually part of the barberry family, not a bamboo at all despite the common name. The leaves sprout a pink to red color before turning green, then turn red/purple before dropping.
Very pretty plant!
Kent, WA
August 31, 2010
Aug 10
298 of 365: White Rose

298 of 365: White Rose, originally uploaded by James Milstid.
The roses in the front yard are making a charge into September. Lots of buds and looking good!
Kent, WA
August 30, 2010