Soccer – America’s Path To Socialism
I don’t know is this is a spoof or if this guy is for real. But he certainly believes he has a compelling argument… seems like he’d fit right in as Santorum’s campaign manager.
I don’t know is this is a spoof or if this guy is for real. But he certainly believes he has a compelling argument… seems like he’d fit right in as Santorum’s campaign manager.
Von Johin is one of my long-time favorite artists. He’s had a successful career in the music industry, but now chooses to play only in Second Life.
Major and his best girl, Harris, attended this fan-appreciation concert on February 4, 2012. And what a concert it was! A three-hour marathon, Von played and sang his heart out. Many of the songs I’d never heard him sing before. Much to his fans’ delight, he seldom adheres to the normal one hour time slot and this was no exception!
You can friend Von on Facebook…
These vids were from the live fan-appreciation concert… just crank up your speakers and enjoy!
This wonderful egg-lemon Greek soup is easy to make and delicious.
Chicken stock and breast, along with a small amount of rice provide the heartiness. But the whipped eggs and lemon add the sumptuous dimension that make this dish so unique.
I’m so happy that my dear friend Nan suggested it. It’s on my absolute favorites list now!
Please excuse the Southwestern USA dishes… they are what I have! Southwest Greece?
This group is so innovative… check out their other YouTube videos.
This little critter has pretty much decided that the feeder belongs to him. He’ll perch a few feet away on a trellis and chase any other hummers away… very territorial!
I’m going to hang another one and see what he’ll do about that!
This guy was trying his best to get to the sugar water… he sat and watched the hummingbirds, then came over to try it himself.
Here it is, December 27, the middle of winter… and the oranges are ripe in Arizona! Born and raised in Seattle, I’m not used to anything being ripe in the middle of winter. *eyes wide open in awe*
I just tried one right off this tree and… OMG… they are as sweet as can be. The neighbor told me to take as many as I need… WoooHooo!