Feb 12

Starry Night – Interactive Animation

When today’s technology is used to “improve” masterfully created artwork from the past, the results are normally disastrous. The old form of manual creativity flowing from mind to eye to brush to canvas is an intimate engagement that yields results no computer could ever duplicate even in the hands of the most skilled graphic designers.

There are exceptions.

Greek artist Petros Vrellis took the iconic panting of the night sky over Saint-Rémy in France and applied a combination of creativity, interactivity, and subtle enhancements to bring the painting to life in ways we’ve never witnessed before. Using openFrameworks, an open source C++ toolkit for creative coding, Vrellis takes one of the most famous interpretations of movement and flow ever created and allows it to realize the extent of its motion.

Instead of desecrating the masterpiece, it is brought to life.

Feb 12

Hmmmm… it just may work